Into the woods they came

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Into the woods they came

Beitrag von DerEnglaender » Sa 10. Aug 2024, 17:15

A mile frae Pentcaitland, on the road to the sea
Stands a yew tree a thousand years old
And the old women swear by the grey o' their hair
That it knows what the future will hold.

For a long time, longer even than the oldest of them could remember, the people of the forest were left alone, but for the occasional fleeting glimpse of one or two neighbouring Aquarians who did not, or perhaps could not, speak.

Then, suddenly, they came: the humans; the orcs; the ships. Oh, a seemingly unending number of ships, each of whose names - "Schattenpfeil", "Gischtbeschleuniger", and so on - sounded stranger than the last. Most of them sailed by. A few did not.

Why they could not be simply left in peace, to tend their children and their other charges, the trees, the people of the forest knew not, but word came from the Court of Brenin Legoharper: "Ymbaratowch."
Bedraengt von Kobolden


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