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Vorschlag zum Thema Leuchtturme

Verfasst: Di 6. Aug 2024, 15:57
von DerEnglaender
(Sorry for the English again :oops: )

I've been thinking about sea travel, and in particular about lighthouses. Would it be a useful feature if ships travelling entirely
within sight of lighthouses that are owned by the same faction (including allies, perhaps), get a bonus to their speed (range)? A bit
like land units travelling along roads.

My thinking is that lighthouses are an aid to navigation, but also that if you build a series of lighthouses then you probably know the
area well, and so have made proper charts for travel in the area, showing where the dangerous waters are and so on.

I'm thinking +1 to range, but that's just something that I've plucked out of the air. It would be too powerful for boats, too, I think (+50% range) so I don't know if that would be right. Maybe it wouldn't apply for boats at all? I can't come up with a rationale for that though.

Aquarians, of course, would get this bonus and their natural bonus (which might make them overpowered, but I'm not in a position to know that).

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Re: Vorschlag zum Thema Leuchtturme

Verfasst: Di 6. Aug 2024, 19:57
von Thalian
Ich habe diese Idee in meine Liste aufgenommen.